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Learning Support

 Much of the SEND provision will always naturally occur within the classroom context.

  • Lessons are pitched appropriately so that all children can learn and progress.
  • Teachers take account of the needs of the individual child and plan different tasks and materials appropriately.
  • Tracking and assessment enables each class teacher to analyse the progress of the child

How does the school know if my child needs extra help?

We have a number of methods to help us identify if a child needs extra help. These include:

  • Speaking to current class teachers and TAs
  • Feedback from parents
  • Information from your child’s pre-school or previous school
  • Home visits by class teachers in Reception
  • Class teacher visits to feeder pre-school to observe your child and speak to their key workers
  • Speaking to previous class teachers
  • Information from other services who have worked with your child, for example a speech and language therapists
  • Referrals from outside agencies such as your local doctors
  • Whole school data analysis exercises that occur on a termly basis

This information will be used to ensure that we meet any additional needs your child may have.  We will monitor the progress and development of your child and seek your views and wishes.  If we have concerns we may ask other professionals to give advice and support also.

It may be considered appropriate, at given times, that your child participates in small group or 1:1 interventions to help them within a certain area of their learning. The school has a range of small group out of class interventions, including:

  • Speech and Language therapy
  • Additional phonics support
  • ELSA - Emotional and Social Support
  • Maths & English after school tuition - Year 6
  • Literacy inc Spelling and Reading 1:1 interventions across Y1 to Y6
  • Post school SATs support for children working below age expected expectations
  • Forest school for helping social, emotional and physical development


We also receive support from outside agencies, SALT (speech & language therapy), Purbeck Locality Team and Educational Psychology.

If you require further information and support about SEND, Dorset Council and BCP Council have a Local Offer. The Local Offer provides information on services and activities for children and young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs and disabilities. Please use the links below to go directly to the relevant websites.

If you have any questions about Learning Support, please contact Mrs Laura Dominey, SENDCo & Inclusion Leader, or any member of the Inclusion Team.  We are always happy to help. Please telephone the school office on 01202 622378 or email We will get back to you as soon as we can.